How it Began

The Unexpected Calm

Our cozy beginnings at Transformers Church are nothing short of a heartwarming tale. It all started one Saturday morning in the autumn of 2015 in Pimlico, London. Tunde Cole, our founder, was on his way out to Bible School from his snug studio apartment. That’s when an unexpected calm enveloped him—a loving prompt from the Holy Spirit that something important was about to be revealed.


The Multitudes

Tunde, wrapped in that tender pause, stood still and opened his heart to listen. And there it was—a vision unfolded before him. He saw a multitude, worn and weary, burdened by life’s harshness. 

As he looked on, he heard the bible verse Matthew 9:36 read out to Him. “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd”.

"Shepherd my people"

Amidst this, he saw Jesus with a compassion so deep it stirred the soul. Jesus’ eyes were brimming with love for those who felt lost and alone, much like ‘sheep without a shepherd’. Then, clear as day, Jesus’ words to Tunde were a gentle command: “Shepherd my people.” 

With those words, the vision faded, and Tunde found himself back in the present moment.


The name ‘The Transformers Church’ was birthed in prayer in the same studio apartment, on the 31 st December 2016. As Tunde and his wife sought the Lord’s guidance, the Holy Spirit whispered the name into being and affirmed their call to be a light in the world.


Tunde and his wife Jolomi moved from London to Milton Keynes where they laid the digital foundations of The Transformers Church. Amidst the quiet of the 2020 lockdown, from their home, they reached out through screens sharing sermons and Wednesday Bible studies, drawing together a virtual congregation from near and far.


As the world reopened, our church blossomed into a hybrid haven, where in-person and virtual services weave together, as we offer a welcoming space for all to encounter God, whether they step through our doors or join us through the comfort of their homes