What we believe

God is Love

1 JOHN 4:8; ROMANS 5:8

At TTC, we hold the belief that everyone has fallen short of God’s splendor through sin. Yet, God’s love for humanity is so profound that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who embraced humanity and bore the penalty for our sins. This ultimate sacrifice was made even before we realized our need for salvation. We affirm that God harbors no anger towards us; rather, His love for us is boundless and unconditional.

Jesus Christ

MATTHEW 1:18–23; 25:11–26, ROMANS 4:25; EPHESIANS 2:6

We hold that Jesus Christ, in His eternal divinity, embraced humanity while maintaining His divine essence. Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to the Virgin Mary, He came to make God known, to fulfil old testament prophecies, and to redeem humanity from sinfulness.

 Through His sacrificial death, entombment, and bodily resurrection, He completed the work of our redemption. His resurrection from death assures our salvation, establishing Him as the sole path to eternal life.

We acknowledge Jesus Christ as the tangible representation of the unseen God, preeminent over all creation, the architect and upholder of the universe, and the sovereign leader of the church. Ascended into heaven, He sits in honour at God’s right hand. In this place of majesty, He fulfils His role as our High Priest and Advocate, continually interceding on behalf of His people.

The New Birth

JOHN 3:16; ROMANS 10:10; 1 JOHN 3:1; 2 CORINTHINAS 5:17

We affirm that the Holy Spirit enters our lives upon rebirth, bestowed as a divine gift to each believer. As the Spirit of truth, He steers us in harmony with God’s Word, enlightening us with a profound comprehension of Scripture, revealing who Christ is, and unveiling our true identity in Him. 

We uphold the baptism in the Holy Spirit, evidenced by the manifestation of speaking in tongues. We also embrace the spiritual gifts imparted by the Spirit, which include the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, prophecy, the interpretation of tongues, various kinds of tongues, faith, healings, miracles, and discernment of spirits. These gifts are vital for the building up of the Church and the demonstration of God’s kingdom on earth.

Spiritual Growth

1 PETER 2:2; 1 CORINTHIANS 3:1-3

We hold that when one is born again, they enter God’s family with the freshness and innocence of a newborn, possessing a new spirit that was not previously part of them. Just as a natural parent cherishes the growth of their child, God desires His children to mature in faith, to fulfil their divine purpose, and to achieve what they were created for.

The maturation of a believer is reflected in a deepening understanding of Christ’s nature and His works, a clearer sense of our identity in Him and a growing capability to live out this new identity in Christ. Therefore, we should dedicate ourselves each day to the pursuit of spiritual maturity.


1 CORINTHIANS 14:14; 1 JOHN 5:14

We embrace prayer as the sacred practice of connecting with God. Aligning our prayers with His will as expressed in Scripture is pivotal for us, and we also value the deep spiritual expression of praying in tongues. Our prayers extend to each other, the wider church community, and for God’s plans to unfold in our lives, homes, communities, and our nation.

The Bible / The Word of God

2 TIMOTHY 3:16 – 17, John 17:17, 2 Peter 1:21

We hold the Holy Bible to contain the divinely inspired guide for salvation and life. At its core, both the Old and New Testaments are centered on Jesus Christ.

The Old Testament subtly unveils Jesus through symbols and prefigurations, setting the stage for His arrival as the embodiment of salvation. The New Testament provides a clear narrative of Jesus’s earthly journey, His purpose, His sacrifices, and His continuing role as our interceding High Priest. The Epistles serve as a resource for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, guiding us to live in
alignment with God’s will and character.

The Holy Spirit

JOHN 14:16 – 17; ACTS 2:4, 38 – 39; EPHESIANS 1:13; JOHN 16:12 – 15; 1 CORINTHIANS 12:7-11

We affirm that the Holy Spirit enters our lives upon rebirth, bestowed as a divine gift to each believer. As the Spirit of truth, He steers us in harmony with God’s Word, enlightening us with a profound comprehension of Scripture, revealing who Christ is, and unveiling our true identity in Him.

We uphold the baptism in the Holy Spirit, evidenced by the manifestation of speaking in tongues. We also embrace the spiritual gifts imparted by the Spirit, which include the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, prophecy, the interpretation of tongues, various kinds of tongues, faith, healings, miracles, and discernment of spirits. These gifts are vital for the building up of the Church and the demonstration of God’s kingdom on earth.