Sharing the Gospel with Those Closest to You

Have the people closest to you heard the gospel from you? Often, we hesitate to share our faith with those we know well, fearing it might be awkward or damage the relationship. However, those closest to us are often the ones we should reach out to the most. We must remember that God places us in our circles of influence for a reason, and He invites us to be His hands and feet on earth.

Are you convinced of the Gospel?

Before sharing the gospel, we need to reflect on our conviction about it. The gospel is not just a comforting message; it’s life-altering and powerful. As believers who have experienced transformation through Christ, we should be eager to share this truth with others.

No Excuses for Not Sharing

Relying on our actions alone to convey the gospel is not enough. Jesus commanded us in Matthew 28 to actively “go and make disciples.” While sharing faith with long-time friends may feel uncomfortable, it’s essential to combat the lies they may believe and introduce them to the hope found in Christ.

Confidence in Christ, Not Ourselves

Feeling inadequate should not stop us from sharing the gospel. Just like Moses, who felt unworthy due to his stutter (Exodus 4:10-14), we must trust that God’s strength is perfected in our weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:9). Our role is to share the message; God does the saving.

Practical Steps for Sharing Your Faith

1. Ask for Boldness

Pray for the courage to share your faith. Our responsibility is to share, not to save. Acts 4:29-31 shows the power of prayer in gaining boldness to speak God’s word.

Example Prayer: “Lord, empower your servants to walk in love and speak your Word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to save every young adult in UK”

2. Build Bridges

Meet people where they are and show genuine care. Paul’s approach in 1 Corinthians 9:22-23 teaches us to connect with others on their level.

Practical Tips:

  • Give Your Time: Invite people to join activities you’re already doing.
  • Ask Questions: Use questions to understand their needs and introduce them to Jesus.
    • How can I be praying for you?
    • Is there anything keeping you from accepting God’s forgiveness right now?
    • Where do you find hope in the midst of brokenness?
    • What do you mean by that?
    • How did you come to that conclusion?

3. Carry a Burden to Share

Practice sharing the gospel to be prepared when opportunities arise. One effective method is The Gospel Bridge, which explains Romans 6:23:

4. Develop a Plan

Practice sharing the gospel to be prepared when opportunities arise. One effective method is The Gospel Bridge, which explains Romans 6:23:

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


Sharing the gospel might be challenging, but it is a crucial aspect of our faith. It’s better to start imperfectly than not at all. Trust God to work through your efforts. Remember, in Heaven, the opportunity to share the gospel will be gone, so make the most of it now.

Discussion Questions

  • Who is one person in your life you can share the gospel with this week?
  • What has been holding you back from sharing?
  • Do you truly feel the conviction of the gospel?

Embrace the privilege of sharing God’s love and watch as His kingdom grows through your faithful witness.