
You can help out

At TTC, there is a wealth of opportunities to volunteer and join us in spreading the good news of Jesus and implementing our ministry projects that foster transformation in Christ. You are welcome to get involved in our volunteer teams without any requirement to be a member of TTC first.

Sunday Hosting Team

Become a part of our Sunday Hosting Team to craft an exceptional worship experience for our visitors, as we strive to serve them excellently. Within this team, there are various groups, including the welcome team and the connect team, all working together to make each service memorable.


Media serves as an essential conduit for our daily outreach to the world.

Within our media team, there are a variety of roles available, including:

– Crafting content such as scripts, blogs, podcasts, and videos

– Filming and video post-production

– Managing and monitoring content distribution

– Engaging with audiences on social media

Technology Team

The tech team diligently ensures our technology resources are finely tuned and effective, providing immense value in our mission to spread the gospel worldwide and offer tailored learning experiences that catalyze transformation in individuals lives.

Community Impact Team

Join our Community Impact Team to build nurturing

relationships with influential individuals and groups in the areas we serve. Your contributions will enhance our understanding of the best ways to make a meaningful difference in the lives and households within our community.

As we discover more and better ways to serve people, more volunteering opportunities unravel. You may even identify an opportunity to volunteer that we have not uncovered yet. So please sign up for volunteering opportunities using thebelow form.

Sign up to help out

Thank you for expressing an interest to add value at TTC